Cultural Empowerment For Women Luncheon Series
Community Diversity Group & AAUW State College present:
Let’s Talk About What We Don’t Talk About:
Navigating Mental Health
Tuesday, March 4th, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center
Registration Deadline: February 25
With a focus on gender roles and societal expectations, our panelists are going to lead us in a discussion about mental health issues and how to take care of ourselves and our families while we take care of business: tools for coping, steps to prevent suicidal ideation, families who deal with addiction, and navigating our local resources.
Serving as our Moderator:
• Nova Ritchey, Women's Self-care Coach
Meet our panelists:
• Tina Kephart, RN, Manager, Behavioral Health, Mount Nittany Medical Center
• Emily C. Benjamin, MS, CAADC - Lead Counselor, St. Joseph Institute
• Marisa Vicere, President/Founder, Instructor for Mental Health First Aid and QPR Suicide Prevention, Jana Marie Foundation
Luncheon cost is $20 by mail, or $22 if paying online or at the door.
Registrations are due by February 25th, 2025.
Registration Instructions:
Step 1. Click here to register
Step 2. If paying for your registration online, click here
Questions? Email: